weight loss

Here at Matthews Internal Medicine, we consider weight management one of our many specialties. Due to our experience in this area we know that one thing is the key to a successful weight loss plan. Buying healthy food, getting that gym membership, and having medical experts in your corner are important, but it’s nothing without motivation.

Weight loss is a long-term prospect. That means that sometimes it may seem like you’re not making progress. It’s easy to get discouraged. Listen to our tips on how to stay motivated and put those doubts behind you.

Choose An Attainable Goal

When you’re dieting, pick a goal that you can reach. Sometimes dieters overestimate themselves. Putting too much pressure on yourself to lose an unrealistic amount of weight can end with you being discouraged. If you set a goal that you can realistically hit in the next few months, it can show that your work is paying off. That keeps you motivated to keep going.

That’s where our weight management experts come in. We know how much weight you can lose safely. We can even give you advice on healthy eating and exercise safety. Our doctors can help you set a realistic goal and stick to it, setting you on the path to a healthier lifestyle.

Celebrate Your Achievements

On that same note, celebrate when you do reach the goals you’ve set out for yourself. If you’ve gone down a size, treat yourself to a new shirt, dress, or outfit. Maybe buy yourself that new piece of tech you’ve had your eye on, provided it’s in your budget. You could even purchase new workout clothes. It may not seem too exciting, but having new clothes that fit better can make you feel even better about working out.

Forgive Yourself When You Slip Up

We all make mistakes. That even applies to our weight loss plans. If you’ve eaten a bit too much at a holiday dinner or on vacation, don’t be too hard on yourself. Acknowledge your mistake and move on. If you spend too much time wallowing in one bad meal or snack decision, you could throw off your weight loss plans more than that one bad decision ever could. Just don’t use one mistake as an excuse to binge eat. Slipping up and eating a doughnut at work doesn’t give you license to completely throw out the rules for the rest of the day.

Find a Diet and Workout Buddy

Finding someone else who’s also trying to lose weight or maintain their current weight can help boost your motivation. If you don’t quite feel like going to the gym one day, having a buddy who can push you to get that workout in is a great asset.

Keep a Journal

Keeping a food journal can help you identify foods that you need to cut out and bad overeating habits. Keeping track of weight loss can keep you motivated. If you ever feel like you’re not making progress, just take a look back at your past progress to see how far you’ve come.