Exercise weight management

Daily exercise is crucial to maintaining your physical and mental well-being. However, many people struggle to exercise at the end of a long day at work. You might be exhausted or simply don’t have the time to go to the gym or do a full workout at home. If you don’t know how to fit more exercise into your day, please read on!

In this article, we’ll discuss the many benefits of daily exercise, including weight management. We’ll also list ways to exercise on a busy schedule, whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go. Knowing how to exercise on a busy schedule is key for people who have a lot going on at work or at home. 

Importance of Exercise

It’s important to incorporate fitness into your daily schedule. The benefits of regular physical activity encompass your physical and mental health. Exercise is hugely beneficial to those struggling with weight loss and weight management, but there are also countless non-weight-related reasons to incorporate exercise into your daily schedule. 

Managing Your Weight with Exercise

One of the most significant reasons for daily exercise is weight management. Physical activity burns calories, which, depending on your caloric intake, can create a caloric deficit that results in weight loss. Once you’ve achieved a healthy weight, regular physical activity will go a long way in helping you maintain it. 

Other Benefits of Exercise

Of course, weight management is just one of the many benefits of daily exercise. According to the CDC, regular physical activity also helps reduce high blood pressure and arthritis pain. It can also lessen your risk of developing osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and multiple types of cancer.

Physical activity can have a meaningful impact on your mental health as well. Daily exercise can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety and aid in stress management. In addition, studies have found that regular participation in aerobic exercise can decrease tension, elevate mood, and improve sleep and self-esteem.

Exercises to Do at Home

Wondering how to exercise when you’re busy or tired? Here are a few quick workouts you can do at home whenever you have a free moment. You can easily adjust the length and intensity of these exercises to suit your schedule and energy levels.

1. Early Morning/Late Night Yoga

Yoga is a fantastic exercise to incorporate into your morning or bedtime routine. If done in the morning, it can help wake you up for the busy day ahead. At the end of the day, it can help you destress and relax before falling asleep.

2. Lunges Throughout the House

Instead of walking from the bathroom to the kitchen in the morning, use lunges to get there! Lunges will get you from point A to point B slower, but they’re a non-stationary exercise that burns calories and strengthens your muscles.

3. Work Out in Front of the Television

You don’t have to give up your TV time to exercise. You can do both at the same time by setting up a treadmill or elliptical in front of the screen. You can also use a yoga mat to do push-ups and sit-ups while watching your favorite shows.

4. Pilates

Pilates is a great choice for low-energy days, as some Pilates workouts have you lying on your back for almost the entire session. The controlled breathing involved can also help you destress and relieve tension. 

Exercises to Do at Work

There are plenty of exercises you can do at the office without disturbing anybody. These simple exercises give you all the benefits listed above while also helping you destress and loosen up your limbs throughout the workday. 

1. Desk Push-Ups

Desk push-ups are similar to an incline push-up, increasing your arm and back strength. First, place your hands firmly on the edge of your desk. Stand a comfortable distance away from the desk, lower yourself toward the edge, and then lift yourself back up like you would when doing a regular push-up. 

2. Chairs Dips

If you have a stationary chair, you can do chairs dips at the office to stretch your muscles and burn calories. Stand with your back to the leading edge of the chair. Place both palms on the leading edge of the chair, keep your feet a hip-width apart, and lower your torso while bending your knees and hips before lifting yourself up.

Exercises for On the Go

Looking for exercises you can do when you’re not at home or at work? Here are two ideas that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. 

1. Walking/Jogging Everywhere

Walking and jogging whenever possible is one of the simplest ways of exercising throughout the week. This could mean jogging to the corner store when you’d normally drive or jogging to and from work.

2. Squats, Squats, Squats

Squats burn calories, aid in weight loss, and are good for your hip muscles, calves, obliques, and hamstrings. They’re also incredibly easy to incorporate into a busy afternoon, whether you’re waiting for an elevator or stuck on hold with customer support.

Professional Help Is a Call Away

These are just a few of the many ways you can incorporate exercise into a busy schedule at home, work, and on the go. Interested in learning more about the link between exercise and weight management? Matthews Internal Medicine has weight management specialists that can answer questions and support you in your weight-loss journey. You’re welcome to consult our resources page or make an appointment at our integrated medical clinic by calling (704) 246-3936 or filling out our contact form.