internist doctor


Some people use the terms general practice and internal medicine interchangeably. It is true that both internal medicine and general practice doctors serve as primary care providers for their patients. They are the first point of contact for wellness and preventive medicine services and non-emergency illnesses and injuries.

However, internists and general practitioners (GPs) have slightly different educational backgrounds and areas of focus. You should understand these distinctions when you select a primary care provider.

What is the difference between a GP and internal medicine?

GPs and internal medicine doctors diagnose and treat diseases, examine patients and advise them about preventative measures, order medical tests, prescribe medications, and refer patients to specialists for additional treatment.

The primary differences between these two medical specialists are patient demographics and education.

  • Who do they treat? Internal medicine doctors work with adults. Their patients are 18 or older. GPs work with patients of all ages. They diagnose and treat children and adults.
  • What is their training? Both these physicians are generalists. Internal medicine doctors complete medical school and then undertake a three-year residency to learn adult medicine. During their residency, general practitioners will study adult medicine, pediatric medicine, and obstetrics. Some GPs specialize in family medicine, meaning they learn how to treat every member of a family.

When is internal medicine the best?

Internal medicine doctors are the best option for patients who are 18 years of age or older. Because they specialize in adult care, these physicians have the knowledge to provide for all your basic medical needs.

If you have a chronic illness, such as hypertension or diabetes, an internist can monitor your condition, prescribe and adjust medications, and coordinate with specialists.

Healthy patients can also benefit from working with an internal medicine doctor because of their skills in areas like preventative medicine.

Finally, internal medicine physicians can serve as your primary contact in the healthcare industry for your entire adult life. Many patients develop a relationship with their internists. The doctor is familiar with their healthcare needs, health goals, and medical history. This familiarity makes personalized care possible.

Is an internist the same as a primary care physician?

Internists are primary care physicians for adults. General practice and family medicine doctors can also provide primary care services to patients of all ages. Some doctors offer primary care with more specialized groups. For example, pediatricians work with children and adolescents until they turn 18. Women may choose an obstetrics and gynecology specialist (OB/GYN) as their primary care doctor. An OB/GYN can also be a specialist who coordinates with a primary care internist.

What makes internal medicine unique?

Internal medicine doctors have a unique skill set that makes them the ideal healthcare professionals to provide primary care. In some ways, they are specialists because their education, training, and work experience all focus on adult medicine. At the same time, they are generalists who can work with patients who have a wide variety of healthcare needs.

An internist can serve as your primary healthcare contact if you have a chronic condition or acute illness or just need an annual checkup.

Here are some examples of the diverse services that an internal medicine doctor is qualified to offer:

  • Preventative care. An internist can provide checkups and assess your health through routine medical tests. They can provide advice to help you improve your health or lower your risk for specific hereditary diseases. Because they are familiar with your medical history, they can follow up on subsequent checkups to see how your preventative efforts are progressing.
  • Acute illness or injury care. An internist can help treat acute illnesses, such as the flu, and injuries. Internists have the skills to diagnose these conditions and define the problem. They can treat minor issues themselves and coordinate with specialists to provide comprehensive treatment.
  • Diagnosis. Internal medicine doctors see a wide range of conditions, diseases, and injuries over their careers. Because of this experience, they are excellent at diagnosing patients. Through examinations, medical tests, and a process of elimination, they can arrive at a conclusion about what is causing an illness or condition.
  • Chronic illness care. Internal medicine doctors can help patients manage chronic conditions with medication, lifestyle changes, and therapy. They can help you achieve goals, such as being able to perform certain activities or tasks or lowering medication dosage. They can also connect you with specialists and other resources to help you with chronic ailments. For example, an internist can refer you to a nutritionist to help you manage your diet for diabetes, weight loss, or high blood pressure.

The ability to offer this diverse range of services makes an internal medicine doctor unique among medical professionals.

Who should see an internist?

Internal medicine doctors work with patients who are 18 years old and above. That is the only requirement, but your current health situation and needs can also play a role in helping you decide if an internal medicine physician is right for you.

Here are the types of patients who should consider going to an internist.

  • Healthy adults. You shouldn’t wait until you become ill to go to the doctor. An internist can help patients maintain their health by finding out about possible hereditary conditions and advising diet, fitness, and lifestyle changes.
  • Adults with mild conditions. Even patients with simple conditions, like seasonal allergies or mild asthma, can benefit from visiting an internist. In addition to treatment and prescription medication, they can often provide advice about environmental and lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medicines that can help.
  • Adults with serious chronic conditions. With the right medical tools, internists can monitor patients with serious chronic illnesses and help them achieve a better quality of life.
  • Adults who see specialists. If you are managing a serious condition that requires specialist care, you should also have a primary medical contact who can coordinate with other doctors and ensure you are getting all the necessary services. An internist can perform this function and also help you get care unrelated to your primary ailments. For example, they can help you obtain mental health services.

Where to find the best internal medicine doctors?

A good internal medicine doctor needs extensive experience, access to a full range of diagnostic tools and services, and the ability to work with specialists. The physicians at Matthews Internal Medicine have the experience, knowledge, and tools to deliver superior primary care services to patients in Matthews, NC and the wider Charlotte metro area.

If you need an internal medicine physician, contact Matthews Internal Medicine to schedule an appointment.