
If heart disease prevention is one of your primary goals, your diet is incredibly important. At Matthews Internal Medicine, we help our patients do everything possible to live a healthier lifestyle and avoid debilitating medical ailments later on in life. One thing we suggest to many patients is to add more nuts to their diet. Many kinds of nuts can boost heart health and help you live a healthier life. That’s because many of them can lower bad cholesterol levels and they’re full of heart-healthy compounds, like unsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E. Here are some nuts that could make your diet healthier.


Pistachios are full of fiber, which can help you lower your bad cholesterol levels. They also contain a lot of healthy fats and protein. As an added bonus, they’re a lower calorie snack as well. If you’re concerned about losing weight and heart health, these could be a great addition to your diet.


Eating a handful of almonds means taking in a variety of beneficial nutrients. From good fats to protein and a massive amount of vitamin E, these are a great snack that can fill you up and keep you healthier. They can also help with weight loss and they lower blood pressure as well. As an added bonus, almonds can also support the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut.


The main attraction here are the omega-3 fatty acids. Some studies show that eating walnuts can reduce total cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels while boosting good, or HDL, cholesterol levels. They can also help with other heart health-related factors, including blood pressure, and inflammation, which can play a role in a number of debilitating chronic disorders.


Pecans contain a lot of good fat and can help lower bad cholesterol levels. They’re also full of antioxidants, so eating them isn’t just good for heart health. They can offer other health benefits as well.


Hazelnuts are another great option for anyone who wants to up their vitamin E intake. An ounce of them can provide more than thirty percent of your recommended daily intake of this nutrient! Add in some good fats and proteins, and you have a well-balanced, heart-healthy snack.


Cashews contain a lot of magnesium, another nutrient that’s good for heart health. Some studies have also shown that a diet rich in cashews can help reduce blood pressure and improve good cholesterol levels, a win-win for heart healthiness.


Snacking on peanuts can help you get the vitamin E, magnesium, and good fats that a heart-healthy diet requires. Adding more to your diet can help you fight back against a number of risk factors for heart disease, but you just have to watch out for additives and extra ingredients that aren’t so healthy.

Your Heart Disease Prevention Experts in Matthews, NC

If you’re concerned about preventing heart disease and other medical issues through a healthier lifestyle and preventative medicine, we can help. Contact Matthews Internal Medicine today and see how we can help you avoid some diseases and potentially help you live a longer, happier, and healthier life. We look forward to helping you!