Bone Health

At Matthews Internal Medicine, we don’t just help you with your current health issues. One of our priorities is preventative medicine, which means that we help our patients avoid further health issues by living a healthier lifestyle right now. One of our areas of focus is osteoporosis. How can you improve your bone health right now? Your diet may hold the key.



Fish like salmon provide a number of health benefits, and it can also serve as a key part of your diet if you’re concerned about bone health. It’s filled with vitamin D and a variety of other nutrients that can keep you, and your bones, much healthier. Other fish, like canned tuna or sardines, can have similar positive effects.


Nuts and Seeds

If you’re looking for a healthy snack that improves bone health, certain types of nuts and seeds contain the nutrients that you need without filler and unhealthy ingredients. Almonds are a solid option because they contain calcium, protein, and magnesium. All of these nutrients can help build healthier bones. Just a handful per day can make a big difference. Other healthy snacks include sunflower seeds, brazil nuts, and pistachios.



It’s probably no surprise that milk can help improve your bone health. It contains calcium, a critical ingredient for bone health, and it’s a good addition to your diet if you’re concerned about osteoporosis. If you’re not crazy about milk other foods derived from it, like cheese or yogurt, can also help you boost your bone health.


Green Leafy Vegetables

The key to osteoporosis prevention is getting the calcium that you need. If you’re not into dairy or fish, green leafy vegetables might be the way to go. Produce like broccoli, kale, and collard greens can all provide the nutrients you’re looking for. These veggies are versatile too, perfect for lunchtime salads and more complex meals alike. Find some recipes that use green leafy vegetables and start boosting your bone health today.


“Enriched” Foods

These days there are also “enriched” foods that you can add to your diet to get the calcium that you need. Products like orange juice may not be known for their calcium content, but now certain brands add calcium to certain varieties. Get a vitamin C boost while putting more calcium in your diet. Other beverages and some foods like cereals and bread, can also be enriched with more calcium. Keep an eye on those nutrition facts panels while shopping around.


Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain magnesium and potassium. A baked sweet potato adds a lot of great nutrients to your diet without unnecessary fat or fillers.



Tofu is an incredible source of nutrients for vegetarians or anyone who’s curious about adding more vegetarian options to their diets. Enriched tofu contains a lot of calcium, making it a good diet staple for anyone who’s concerned about osteoporosis prevention.


Your Preventative Medicine Experts in Charlotte, NC

So if you’re concerned about your bone health, our internal medicine doctors can assist you. At Matthews Internal Medicine we’ll help you develop a better diet plan that keeps you healthier for longer. Contact us at (704) 750-2329 today and schedule an appointment with our osteoporosis prevention team.