senior care

As people age, they often develop more health issues and need to see the doctor more frequently. But how often should seniors see the doctor? Is there a standard recommendation?

The answer varies depending on a senior’s specific health situation. In general, though, it is recommended that seniors see their doctor at least once a year for a wellness visit. During this visit, the doctor can check for any new or worsening health problems and update the senior’s vaccinations.

If seniors have multiple chronic health conditions, they may need to see the doctor more often. The best way to determine how often a particular senior should see the doctor is to talk to their primary senior care physician.


How Often Does the Average Senior Visit the Doctor?

On average, American seniors visit the doctor 4 times per year. However, this number can be higher or lower depending on the individual’s specific health situation. For example, some seniors with multiple chronic health conditions may need to see the doctor more than once a month, while others who are healthy may only need to go once every few years. 

Whether or not someone visits the doctor frequently as they age can depend on many factors, including their location and health insurance situation. But, in general, it is still recommended that seniors see their doctor at least once a year for a check-up to get their blood work done and urine samples taken. It is a great way for doctors to catch any issues early on and administer treatment efficiently and effectively.


How Often Should a Senior Get a Physical?

If you are in your 60s or 70s, you may be wondering how often you should be getting a physical workup done by the doctor. There is no rule set in stone for this. However, it is generally recommended that seniors get a physical at least once a year.

Upon visiting a doctor for their routine physical, they should expect to have a discussion about their overall health, medications they are taking, any recent illnesses or hospitalizations, and lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking. The doctor will also perform a physical examination, which may include checking vital signs, measuring height and weight, listening to the heart and lungs, and examining the skin. Depending on the results of these tests and discussions, the doctor may order further diagnostic tests or prescribe medication or other treatment.


What Medical Tests Do You Need at 65?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the medical tests someone may need at age 65 will depend on their individual health and medical history. However, some common tests that are often recommended for seniors include screenings for colon cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. Other tests that may be recommended include a Pap smear, bone density test, cholesterol test, eye test, and dental exam. Ultimately, it is essential to discuss with your doctor what medical tests are right for you at age 65.


Why Many Seniors Don’t Visit the Doctor Enough

There are many reasons why some seniors don’t visit the doctor enough. One reason is that they may not have any health concerns and think they don’t need to go. Others may not be able to afford to see the doctor or may not have transportation to get to their appointments. Some seniors may also not feel very comfortable going to the doctor or may not have a good relationship with their physician.


What Do You Do if You Haven’t Been to a Doctor in Years?

When seniors don’t visit the doctor enough, it can lead to a lot of health problems down the line. In addition, untreated health problems can lead to hospitalizations and complications, so seniors should frequent their doctor every few months.

If you haven’t been to the doctor in years, the simplest thing to do is to find a new primary care physician and schedule an appointment with them. They will then complete a full check-up to assess your health and perform all of the necessary tests. Once they have a baseline health assessment for you, they can recommend any treatment you may need.



If you are a senior citizen, it is vital to stay on top of your health by seeing the doctor regularly and keeping up to date with treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get back on track with your health!