no smoking

At Matthews Internal Medicine, we know that smoking can be a hard habit to break. That’s why we have made smoking cessation assistance one of our top priorities. If you want to focus on preventative care, there’s few things that will be more effective than quitting smoking. It’s one of the leading preventable causes of death in the world and it can lead to the development of a wide range of diseases. Fortunately, you have us in your corner.

What Is Smoking Cessation?

Smoking cessation is simply the act of quitting smoking. There are many different methods of doing so, from “cold turkey” to nicotine replacement therapy. No matter which you choose though, quitting on your own can be extremely difficult. That is why we’re here to support you. At Matthews Internal Medicine we can help you live a healthier life, and helping you quit smoking is one of the ways that we do that.

What Are The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking?

Once you quit smoking it will be even more obvious how debilitating a smoking habit can be when you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle. In the weeks and months after you quit you’ll notice a wide range of health benefits.

A Stronger Immune System

After smoking, the lack of tar and nicotine in your system will make your immune system stronger and enable you to better fight off disease. A stronger immune system means that you’re less likely to get sick, which is good news for anyone trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

More Effective Taste Buds

After quitting you’ll notice that your favorite foods will taste even better. Smoking can dull your taste buds and make even the most flavorful foods bland. Once you quit, you can truly enjoy a wide variety of healthy foods.


Healthier Lungs

Once you quit smoking, you’ll start breathing easier. Quitting smoking can help improve the health and function of your lungs almost immediately. You’ll find that you’re short of breath less often and you’ll be able to better fight off colds and infections thanks to your healthier lungs. Quitting also can help you prevent the development of emphysema later. Plus quitting early enough can help you avoid major lung damage.

Healthier Heart

By quitting smoking you can also make your heart healthier. Smoking can be a cause of heart disease and heart attacks, so you can lower your risk of either by entering a smoking cessation program. You’ll be less likely to form blood clots and quitting smoking can also be used as a part of an effort to lower cholesterol.

A Healthier Mouth and Teeth

The tar in cigarettes can give you bad breath and dull your bright smile. You’ll notice a difference soon after you quit, and we’re sure that the compliments you receive will make the hard work of quitting smoking worth it.

A Lower Cancer Risk

By quitting smoking you can lower your risk of developing cancer. Smoking can cause damage all the way down to your DNA. When you quit, you avoid further damage and reduce your cancer risk.


So when you want to quit smoking, let us help. Our smoking sensation experts are with you at every step of the way. Your healthier lifestyle can begin today.