doctor patient

When it comes to certain medical issues, we understand that talking about them can be embarrassing. At Matthews Internal Medicine, however, we want to make sure that our patients know that they can talk to us about all of their medical problems, even the more embarrassing ones. Whether you have a question about body odor, incontinence, or sexual dysfunction, it’s important to talk to your doctor and find a solution. Here’s how you can make that a bit easier.


Schedule That Yearly Physical

It may not seem like a big deal, but scheduling that yearly physical exam can make a big difference when it comes to this particular communications issue. We’ve written before about the benefits of the yearly physical, but one that we can’t emphasize enough is that it helps you forge a better relationship with your internist. You’re here every year and build up a rapport with your doctor. Many patients feel more comfortable if they’re at our offices more often, so coming in each year for that physical could make it easier to bring up embarrassing medical issues with your physician.


Being Direct Can Help

You can also make this easier by being direct. Don’t dance around the issue. Just come right out and tell your doctor about your problem. They’ll be happy to answer any questions that you have, but not being specific or engaging them in a guessing game doesn’t really get you the results you need or save you any embarrassment when all is said and done.


Remember They’re Here to Help You

Perhaps most importantly of all, remember that your doctor is here to help you. They’re not judging you. Their sole goal is to help you live a healthier life and tackle any medical issues that pop up. So when you tell them something that you’ve been experiencing, even if it’s embarrassing, you can be confident that they want to help you with your medical issue and that they aren’t going to “shame” you for your medical problems.

Your Doctor is Sworn to Confidentiality

Another great thing about talking to a doctor is that your conversation doesn’t leave the room. Your physician can’t share your medical info with someone else unless it’s another medical professional you’ve been referred to. Your secrets are safe with your internist, so ask about anything that has been bothering you and know that they’re not going to gossip.


You’re Probably Not the First One With That Problem

It’s also important to remember that you and your medical issues aren’t all that unique. In fact, an experienced internist has seen an awful lot over their career! Even a newer doctor has a lot of experience with various medical ailments, including the embarrassing ones. Whatever is going on with you is unlikely to phase your doctor, so just come on out and be honest with what’s going on. We’ll do everything that we can to help.


The Internist You Need in Charlotte, NC

So now that you know a bit more about how to deal with some of the stickier medical issues, make an appointment with a Charlotte, NC internist. At Matthews Internal Medicine we’re ready to help you with all of your medical needs, and we do everything that we can to help our patients live healthier lives!