Preventative Care

When you go to the doctor, your insurance often covers services that are known as preventative care. This term has a specific definition though, and it’s wise to know exactly what it covers so that you can get the most out of your doctor’s appointments and avoid some surprise bills.

At Matthews Internal Medicine, preventative care is one of our main areas of focus. We help our patients live a healthier lifestyle now so that they can avoid debilitating health problems later. Here are a few things that we help our patients with, all of which fall under the preventative care umbrella.


Weight Management

Being overweight or obese can lead to numerous health problems. Not controlling your weight can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and other adverse health effects.

Most people know this, but losing weight is difficult! We’re all busy and sometimes we end up indulging in too much takeout or comfort meals that add way too many calories to our daily intake. That’s not even to mention the sugary drinks that are everywhere these days, potentially sneaking hundreds of calories into our meals if we’re not careful.

Fortunately, weight management is a bit easier with a medical professional by your side. We help our patients build a weight loss program that works for them and helps them lose weight in a healthy way. You’ll be meeting new health goals and feeling better sooner than you might expect.


Physical Exams

Physical exams are also preventative care. They help us establish a “baseline” for you, showing what normal blood pressure, heart rate, and other health parameters look like for you. If we notice something is off, we can potentially catch a disease early.


Smoking Cessation

Smoking is a potentially deadly habit. It can increase your risk of developing heart disease and cancer, plus it makes your clothes smell and can stain your teeth. Whether you’re concerned about your future health or you’re just vain, those are good enough reasons to try and quit right there.

Cigarettes are addictive though and quitting, much like losing weight, is difficult. That’s why you should get your doctor to help you. Our internists have a lot of experience when it comes to helping our patients with smoking cessation programs. If you’re ready to quit, we’re ready to assist you.


Osteoporosis Prevention

Osteoporosis can affect you as you get older, and it’s even more common in women than men. Your bones begin to lose density and can break or fracture easily. Fortunately, we can help our patients prevent this disorder by making sure that they get the nutrients that they need to foster good bone health. If you’re worried about osteoporosis, ask our doctors what you can do to fight back.


For Preventative Care in Matthews, NC

So if you’re looking for a doctor’s office that can help you live a healthier life, we’re ready to help. Schedule an appointment online or call Matthews Internal Medicine at (704) 750-2329 today. One of our internists will be glad to assist you on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle!