weight loss

Losing weight isn’t easy, especially if you go it alone. At Matthews Internal Medicine we focus on preventative care and helping our patients live healthier lives, and because of that weight management is one of our main specialties. If you’re trying to lose weight and haven’t been successful, help from your doctor could be the difference maker due to a number of factors.


There’s More Accountability

Compared to losing weight on your own, a weight loss plan that involves your doctor could add more accountability. You’re not the only one measuring your progress. Someone else is there with you, encouraging you to meet your goals and noticing when you do not. Knowing that someone else is watching could be the motivation you need to be more successful in your weight loss efforts.


Realistic Goals

A medical professional can also help you set more realistic goals. In the age of fad diets and misleading social media posts, it can be easy to misunderstand just how much weight loss can be healthy, natural, and realistic. Your medical weight management specialist will help you set realistic goals that will help you make progress without being discouraged.


You’ll Learn More About What You’re Working Towards

A doctor can tell you how your weight loss program is going to benefit you. Seeing the numbers tick down on the scale and realizing that your clothes fit better are great motivators, but so is a doctor telling you how this weight loss could help you with current health problems, like sleep apnea for example, or how your weight loss will improve your life. In our experience, knowing what you’re working towards can help a lot with motivation.

Your Doctor Can Better Manage Health Problems

If you have existing health problems, losing weight on your own can be a bit more difficult. An internist that’s already familiar with your medical history and health problems can help you lose weight safely while managing your current health issues effectively. There’s less worry of pushing yourself too hard and causing more advanced problems when you work with a medical professional.

They Can Pinpoint Potential Problems

A doctor can also spot potential issues with your weight loss plan that you may not have noticed. Getting tested for a food allergy or sensitivity could reveal that a food that you think is healthy might not actually be a good addition to your diet. A doctor can tell you if that medication you’re on has weight gain as a side effect and see if there’s a comparable treatment that won’t get in the way of your weight loss goals.

You Might Be a Candidate for Medical Weight Loss Procedures

Your doctor could also let you know if you’re a good candidate for different medical weight loss procedures. Not everyone can qualify for surgical weight loss options, but if one works for you your doctor would be able to inform you about how it fits into your medical weight management program.

Your Medical Weight Management Team in Charlotte, NC

If you’re ready to commit to a serious medical weight management plan, the doctors at our office are ready to help. If you’re in Charlotte, NC and the surrounding areas, contact us at (704) 750-2329 to see how we can help you meet your most ambitious goals and start living a healthier lifestyle today!